Commissioning Rounds

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Commissioning rounds

Below you will see all active commissioning rounds for BBC ALBA and other MG ALBA associated brands.

We hold twice-yearly commissioning rounds for BBC ALBA (Summer & Winter) where we welcome the submission of programme and television production ideas from suitably qualified media production companies.

For more information, contact

Scroll down for documents related to commissioning rounds, information about our broadcast and production facilities and on what to do if you have programme ideas that are of a time-sensitive nature.

Commissioning Information

BBC ALBA is a contemporary, forward-looking channel with Gaelic at its heart: our people, our culture, our voice. Our outlook is broad, and our ambitions are big. We have a unique perspective and want to tell stories that resonate with audiences across Scotland and the world.

BBC ALBA is proud of the creative partnerships we have developed over the years. We look forward to building more of these, continuing to create popular and critical impact with award-winning, world-class content.

We want to harness your creative energy and technical innovation to offer compelling, authentic contemporary Gaelic content for our audiences. Proposals which have other funding attached or have the potential to attract other funding are welcome.

The MG ALBA/BBC partnership will accept ‘time-perishable’ programme ideas at any time and endeavour to return commissioning decisions on them without undue delay.

Guidance Notes For Submissions

Commissioning Round


1pm Wednesday 19th June 2024

Guidance Notes For All Submissions To BBC ALBA

It might be helpful considering the following when preparing your submission:-

  • What is your ambition for this project?
  • How will it play in the schedule 6 or 12 months from now?
  • What about it will surprise the audience?
  • Does this proposal reflect real, lived experience? Does it feel authentic and relatable?
  • Is it innovative? What’s new about it whether in terms of the story, style, format, content, talent or use of technology?
  • Is it a compelling story? Will it engage people’s emotions, provoke discussion and is there enough substance in it to sustain a whole programme?
  • Will it take the audience to places and situations which they might not otherwise encounter?
  • How will the story work on other digital platforms as well as television?
  • Is the proposed duration, talent and format the best fit for the target audience and the story?
  • How will it enhance the BBC ALBA offer?
  • Does it have co-financing potential either in the UK or internationally and have you explored these?

How To Submit

  • Please include a note of the category in this round to which they refer.
  • Also, a brief creative summary, details of key talent behind and in front of camera, programme price and should also detail digital media opportunities including how, if appropriate, different forms could be used for different digital platforms. They should not exceed one A4 page per programme.
  • Show that you have thought about how the programme can be promoted, be that through the press, social-media or other broadcast outlets.
  • We’re happy to receive programme tasters but they are not essential. The opportunity to develop your submitted proposal through an interview may be given.
  • Priority will be given to ideas that take into consideration further funding such as, but not limited to:
  • Co-production ideas seeking lead funding from the MG ALBA/BBC partnership should apply for funding through these seasonal commissioning rounds. Co-production ideas with external lead funding are acceptable at any time and the MG ALBA/BBC partnership will endeavour to return commissioning decisions on them without undue delay.

Commissioning Documents

Broadcast & Production Facilities

MG ALBA provide a comprehensive suite of facilities for broadcast contribution, production, post production and programme delivery.

Among the facilities available are studio / OB facilities, camera equipment, lighting, editing and audio post production, live contribution, subtitling and final programme delivery.

In addition we provide the final stages of DPP programme delivery, including AQC/QC, AS11 wrap and secure delivery across a high speed connection.

Contact our for more information.

Programme Ideas

The MG ALBA / BBC partnership will accept ‘time-perishable’ programme ideas, or ideas which represent a unique and unexpected opportunity, at any time of the year and we will endeavour to return commissioning decisions on them without undue delay.

Individuals or organisations with programme ideas should ideally apply under the terms of Commissioning Rounds. If you have a good idea but lack the means or expertise to make the programme you should speak to a production company to see if they will develop the idea with you. Unfortunately we cannot provide this service. Provided we have the consent of the companies in question we may be able to provide you with a list of companies who make Gaelic programmes.

Individuals or organisations with programme ideas seeking development funding should do so under the terms of Commissioning Rounds. We will generally not consider unsolicited applications for development funding unless they are time-sensitive, represent a unique and unexpected opportunity or add to the effectiveness of training schemes being sponsored by MG ALBA.

For more information, contact

Promo Delivery Guidelines