MG ALBA has welcomed the announcement that its annual funding from the Scottish Government will rise to £14.8 million for the financial year 2025-26. This increase represents a significant recognition of the value that Gaelic media brings to Scotland’s cultural landscape.
Donald Campbell, Chief Executive of MG ALBA, commented:
“This increased funding recognises the difference that Gaelic media makes.
“The Ernst & Young Report highlighted that MG ALBA creates £1.34 of value for every £1 of funding, despite costs having risen in recent years. We are encouraged that that the Scottish Government recognises that by increasing our funding.
“Progammes like An t-Eilean would not be possible without financial certainty. Many people watch BBC ALBA and are users of the valuable LearnGaelic and SpeakGaelic resources, and this increase will all go to strengthening those services.”
The funding increase is part of the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to support and promote Gaelic language and culture. It will help MG ALBA to continue to deliver exceptional content for audiences across Scotland, while also encouraging the growth of Gaelic media, opportunities and resources for future generations.
Tha sinn air ar dòigh gu bheil an naidheachd seo a’ tighinn a-mach an dèidh a’ Leas-Phrìomh-Mhinistear tadhal air MG ALBA an-dè ann am Pacific Quay. Chaidh a sealltainn mun chuairt iomadh diofar roinn a leithid CBeebies ALBA agus SpeakGaelic gus sùil fhaighinn air an fharsaingeachd de dh’obair luachmhor a bhios a’ gabhail àite anns na meadhanan Gàidhlig gach latha.
We are delighted to share this news after the Deputy First Minister’s visit to MG ALBA yesterday in Pacific Quay. During her visit, she toured around various departments such as CBeebies ALBA and SpeakGaelic, highlighting the range of valuable work that takes place within Gaelic media daily.
Photos courtesy of Scottish Government