Board Information

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Board Information

The MG ALBA Board comprises a Chairperson and up to 11 other members. Members are appointed for fixed terms by Ofcom with the approval of the Secretary of State. The Chief Executive is appointed by the Board.

Remit & Responsibilities


MG ALBA’s remit is set out in the Communications Act 2003, the Broadcasting Act 1990 and the Broadcasting Act 1996.

It is the board’s duty to develop high-level strategy and to devise, revise and recommend policies and practices that will enable MG ALBA’s strategic goals to be realised.

In addition to consideration of overarching strategic objectives, the Board will also assess the principles that govern operational areas such as funding, projects, training, resources, outsourced services, consumer needs and stakeholder relations.

Rules governing the conduct of MG ALBA Board and Committee business are set out in the Standing Orders.

The Chairperson and Members are bound by MG ALBA’s Members’ Code of Conduct.

Audit and Assurance Committee

Audit and Assurance Committee

The role of the Audit & Assurance Committee is to advise the Board that an appropriate system of governance, internal control and risk management is in place within MG ALBA.

Establishment and Composition

  •  Meet no less than twice per year plus at least once with the external auditors.
  •  The Audit and Assurance Committee must have at least 3 MG ALBA members none of whom is the Chairperson of MG ALBA or of any other MG ALBA Committee.
  • The Audit and Assurance Committee must have at least one member with a financial background or can co-opt an independent financial adviser.
  • A staff member shall be the Secretary of the Committee.


The remit of the Audit & Assurance Committee is as follows:

  •  to review internal controls and advise the Board on the scope and conduct of any internal audit;
  •  to recommend the adoption of suitable accounting policies and approval of the Governance

Statement in the Annual Report;

  • to advise the Board on selection, appointment, removal and remuneration of external auditors, assessing their effectiveness and the scope of their work;
  • to monitor management action to implement agreed audit recommendations on governance, risk management and control;
  • To ensure that policies, procedures and systems are appropriate, compliant with legislative requirements and duly implemented, and to approve policy updates.
  • To assess risks and MG ALBA’s own effectiveness, including arrangements put in place by management to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness or Value for Money (VFM);


The staff shall circulate the minutes of the Committee to all members of MG ALBA.

Lèirsinn Committee

The role of the Lèirsinn Committee is to consider trends and pressures in the external domain and to advise the Board on matters essential for the fulfilment of MG ALBA’s published Vision (Lèirsinn), including succession, transformation, digital media and people strategy.

Establishment and Composition

  • Meet quarterly.
  • Membership: at least 3 Members.
  • A staff member will be the Secretary to the Committee.


The remit of the Lèirsinn Committee is as follows:

  • To consider and advise the Board on MG ALBA’s response to language, media and technology trends, and to establish the Board’s key success measures.
  • To consider and advise the Board on stakeholder dynamics.
  • To regularly review the skills, knowledge, experience, and diversity of the Board and to make recommendations to the Board and to Ofcom.
  • To keep under review the leadership needs of the organisation and oversee, on behalf of the Board, the recruitment and appointment of the Chief Executive.
  • To consider and advise the Board on:
    • People strategy and annual Workforce Plan.
    • Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity in staff & board.
    • Recruitment, employment, and remuneration policies.


The Committee may obtain, at the company’s expense, independent reports as required and may engage specialist support as required.

The chairperson of the Committee shall discharge the role of Acting Chairperson should the Chairperson temporarily be unavailable or unable to discharge their duties. The estimated duration, if known, of this assumption of responsibilities by the chairperson of the Committee will be communicated to Ofcom and all relevant stakeholders. As Acting Chairperson, the chairperson of the Committee will discharge all the functions normally falling to the Chairperson including, but not limited to, those set out in the Financial Regulations, Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation and Administration.

The Secretary shall circulate the minutes of the Committee to all Board Members of MG ALBA.