Multi-annual Supply Commissioning Round

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BBC ALBA – 2020 Multi-annual Supply Commissioning Round

Below you can find out more about the BBC ALBA – 2020 Multi-annual Supply Commissioning Round.

Click belor the Multi-year Supply Commissioning Guidelines:


BBC ALBA is a BBC licensed television service managed in partnership by MG ALBA and the BBC.

To date BBC ALBA’s commissioning strategy has had two elements: two commissioning rounds per year, and multi-programme, multi-year deals known as ‘volume’ contracts.

While this commissioning strategy will broadly continue, the philosophy behind the multi-year deals is to change. In recognition of the highly competitive multiplatform environment in which BBC ALBA competes, and the imperative to ensure audiences choose BBC ALBA content, the approach for the multi-year deals will shift from lower cost per hour, high volume, to a greater emphasis on impact.

This document sets out the strands the partnership seeks on a multi year basis.


Please note the following:

  • The deadline for multi-year supply submissions is Monday 11 January, 2021 at 5.30pm.
  • The expected date for MG ALBA/BBC partnership decisions is Wednesday 31 March, 2021.
  • Multi-year contracts are expected to commence on 1 July 2021.
  • The duration of the contracts will be three years.
  • Each multi-year strand has a maximum price and a minimum hourage: submissions will therefore be assessed predominantly on the creative impact of their proposal – please note each element of the assessment criteria in this regard. We do not expect companies to bid lower than the stated price, or to propose any significant increase in hours: the objective is to create content of impact within the budget specified.
  • Companies may bid for more than one supply strand to a scale they are comfortable with.
  • One strand in particular (Music and Events Strand 2) seeks innovative partnership approaches: we would welcome this approach on other genres too if appropriate. Note that in order to enable coverage of content that is highly distinctive, but possibly logistically challenging to capture, MG ALBA’s resources (including equipment and staff) may be made available at cost to any applicant should they wish to explore this.
  • We continue to be ambitious for the commercial growth of the BBC ALBA supply sector and to build further a culture of entrepreneurship. To build on the track record of international co-production and co-funding now well established, the two highest value contracts (Factual Strand 1 and Music and Events Strand 1) will be asked to appoint a Gaelic-speaking Business Management Graduate Apprentice. MG ALBA will work with suppliers to secure at least 50% financial support for the salary of the Apprentice for the period of their apprenticeship.


The criteria for editorial decisions on submissions to this multi-year supply commissioning round will be the following:

1. Impact: impact can be created and measured in many ways, including awards, audience reach, traction on social media. We are ambitious for BBC ALBA’s content, and over the years we have seen increasing international recognition for Factual and Music and Events. Specify how you will create impact for BBC ALBA with your proposal: how will this content ensure the audience chooses BBC ALBA. For Factual strands, we expect you to set out what proportion of your proposal will be ‘world class projects of ambition’, as well as what proportion will have a ‘chronicle’ function – i.e. chronicling special areas of interest to Gaelic language and culture that will create highly distinctive content.

2. Co-funding: where applicable, we expect proposals to specify on what proportion of their funding they will seek to achieve co-funding. In Factual Strand 1 we expect at least 4 hours of the content to be co-funded.

3. Multiplatform: long form content is the engine of BBC ALBA, and the strands relate to long form content. However, in a multiplatform world, long form content can be re-purposed or complementary material may be created for other platforms. Your proposal should set out how you will add multiplatform value, taking into account that additional rights clearance may be required.

4. Track record in television production: your proposal should set out your track record.

5. Company policy towards the maintenance of the Gaelic language in Scotland: your proposal should specify how you intend to create a legacy for Gaelic with this investment, in terms of Gaelic speaking talent at all levels of your business. This should include setting out your plans for investment in industry training.

6. Diversity: BBC ALBA is a partnership of two publicly funded organisations, and we have unique role in Scotland’s creative ecology. We will use our position in the industry to progress change and ensure that anyone who makes programmes for us contributes to increasing representation, authentic portrayal and diversity. You should specify how the content proposed will reflect the diversity of contemporary Scotland, and how you will ensure the inclusion of diverse voices and backgrounds both on and off screen.

Programme Supply Strands

Factual programmes Strand 1.
First broadcast slot: Weekday, 9pm.
Format: Documentaries of 58-59 minutes duration each.
Audience: Gaelic community or Scotland-wide
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £840,000
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 14

Factual programmes Strand 2.
First broadcast slot: Weekday, 9pm.
Format: Documentaries of 58-59 minutes duration each.
Audience: Scotland-wide or Gaelic community.
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £240,000
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 4

Factual entertainment Strand 1.
First broadcast slot: Weekday, 8.30pm.
Format: Series of programmes, 29 minutes duration each.
Audience: Gaelic community
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £380,000
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 14

Factual entertainment Strand 2.
First broadcast slot: Weekday, 8.30pm.
Format: Series of programmes, 29 minutes duration each.
Audience: Scotland-wide
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £220,000
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 7

Factual programmes based on acquired content.
First broadcast slot: Weekday, 10 pm.
Format: Dependent on acquired duration.
Audience: Scotland-wide
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £260,000
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 30

Light entertainment.
First broadcast slot: Weekday, 10pm.
Format: Series of programmes, 29 minutes each.
Audience: Gaelic community especially under 30 years of age
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £200,000
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 5

Music and Events Strand 1
First broadcast slot: Weekends, 9pm. (some may be weekday)
Format: Live/as live/quick turnaround programmes, duration as appropriate to event.

Music and Events Strand 1 – Detail
This content is envisaged as live/as live/quick turnaround from key events such as Celtic Connections (7 hours), Belladrum (16 hours), Na Trads (4 hours) and Farpaisean Chon-Chaorach (4 hours). The event mix could change to events of a similar nature over the course of the contract.

Set out below are the precise details of the envisaged content.


  • Belladrum – live coverage with a minimum of 7+ 2 cameras across three nights of the festival, mix of main stage, specially recorded acoustics and some festival colour for a minimum of 5.5 hours. Previously unseen music highlights as quick turnaround for a minimum of 10.5 hours. Broadcast rights to the event are held or will be negotiated by MG ALBA. Audience – National.
  • Celtic Connections – 3 hours of live coverage of producer-curated performances with a minimum of 6 cameras and 4 hours with a minimum of 6 cameras based on quick turnaround of pre-recorded content for broadcast around the festival period. Broadcast rights are held, or will be negotiated by MG ALBA. Audience – Gaelic with National Resonance.
  • Na Trads – 2 hours of live coverage from various venues in Scotland with a minimum of 7 +2 cameras from the annual celebration of Scottish Traditional Music with an additional 2 hours of unseen highlights content captured at the event. Access and broadcast rights are held by MG ALBA in partnership with Hands Up For Trad. Audience – Gaelic with National Resonance.
  • Farpaisean Chon-Chaorach – 4 hours of presenter led pre-recorded highlights and feature packages from the National and International Sheep Dog Trials at venues throughout the UK. Recorded with a minimum of 4 cameras plus additional SCU. Access and broadcast rights with International Sheep Dog Society will be negotiated by MG ALBA. Audience – National.


Audience: Gaelic with National Resonance
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £1,000,000
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 31

Music and Events Strand 2
First broadcast slot: Weekends, 9pm.
Format: Live/as live/programmes, duration as appropriate to event.
Music and Events Strand 2 – Detail
This strand is a new initiative with MG ALBA looking to partner with agencies and/or production companies to reflect music & arts events and new talent from under-represented locations around Scotland. MG ALBA’s resources (including equipment and staff) may be made available at cost to any applicant should they wish to explore this. Five events are envisaged, delivered under a partnership model with match funding or resources in-kind anticipated.

Audience: Gaelic with National resonance
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £125,000 pa
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 7.5

Children’s versioned titles
MG ALBA will acquire a mix of children’s titles aimed at both the pre-school and 6-9 age-groups, and in discussion with successful applicants will endeavour to strike a practical balance in terms of the mix of versioning projects having regard to expertise, talent, complexity and workload.

Children’s versioned titles Strand 1.
First broadcast slot: Weekday.
Format: Series of programmes, duration dependent on acquired duration.
Audience: Children, Gaelic community
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £142,500
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 15

Children’s versioned titles Strand 2.
First broadcast slot: Weekday.
Format: Series of programmes, duration dependent on acquired duration.
Audience: Children, Gaelic community
Duration of supply contract: July 2021 for three years
Budget per annum: £332,500
Hours to supply: Minimum hourage 35


The deadline for volume supply submissions is Monday 11 January 2021 at 5.30pm.

Any questions about this process can be sent to at any time. BBC ALBA executives will be available for short meetings with prospective applicants during November/December 2020 and information on these will be issued shortly. Information shared with any party will published as FAQs on the MG ALBA website.

All submissions must be made electronically to before the deadline. A receipt will be generated automatically. Submissions received after this deadline will not be considered and it is incumbent on the production company to ensure that delivery has been effected.

The expected date for MG ALBA/BBC partnership decisions is Wednesday 31 March, 2021.

If you have questions regarding any aspect of this commissioning round, please e-mail