Children’s Short Drama 2021

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Children’s Short Drama 2021

We are delighted to be taking part in this prestigious international showcase of the world’s best children’s shorts run by the EBU (European Broadcasting Union)


We have commissioned a script and are now looking for expressions of interest from companies with a track record in drama for BBC ALBA to produce the film.

The scheme’s main requirements are:

  • 15-minute drama aimed at an audience 6-9 years with lead child actor/s at the heart of the story based on the theme of “Tell Me a Secret”.
  • Style to be cinematic and to enable versioning into other languages.
  • EBU requires world-wide rights and clearance for 10 years and other rights that make this a non-standard deal.
  • EBU has its own Exec Producer who works alongside the production teams and broadcasters in each country. MG ALBA’s also has its own Exec Producer, Bill Macleod.
  • Delivery to EBU/BBC ALBA by November 2021 for a screening version and December 2021 as final broadcast delivery aiming at a festive TX.

Further information on the scheme, examples of films from previous years and a treatment for this year’s film are available.

MG ALBA has specific talent development objectives and we would like to discuss with production companies the inclusion in the project of:

(a)    Gaelic-speaking Directors and

(b)    Composers with an understanding of Gaelic musical culture.

The project will have a funding contribution from MG ALBA of £40,000. We also expect that the successful company will make applications to the BFI’s Young Audience Content Fund and for UK tax credits.

Young Audiences Content Fund

Tax reliefs (via BFI tax credits certification)

Submission Process

In the first instance we are looking for expressions of interest together with a summary of production experience, an indication of key talent, and a creative statement

Deadline for submission – Friday 26 February 2021 at 5pm.

Deadline for MG ALBA/BBC partnership decisions – Friday 5 March 2021 at 5pm.

Final submissions and any questions should be addressed to Bill Macleod, at