BBC ALBA embraces the environment throughout COP26

As the COP26 summit convenes in Glasgow, BBC ALBA promises a diverse selection of climate programmes which examine our relationship with the environment.

With the impacts of climate change being felt across the world, from floods in Germany, wildfires in Australia and more locally with ongoing coastal erosion in Uist, the team behind BAFTA-winning current affairs programme Eòrpa return with an hour long extended special edition, Eòrpa: An Deasbad | The Debate, speaking to ordinary people across the world to find out what issues are on their mind regarding the environment, and how progress can begin to be made.

Journalist Anna MacLeod chairs a panel of experts in Eòrpa: An Deasbad | The Debate, to discuss the difficult decisions facing world leaders in an attempt to protect our planet. Amongst them are; Climate expert Professor June Graham, climate activist Babs MacGregor, renewable energy experts Eilidh MacInnes and Angus Mackay and economic guru Kenneth Matheson.

Iona MacRitchie, producer of Eòrpa: An Deasbad said: “With COP26 right on our doorstep in Glasgow, we thought it was vital to bring these huge climate related issues to audience’s attention, with considerable challenges ahead of us in dealing with the situation. The Eòrpa team are very happy to have brought these experts together to discuss subjects that are so relevant to Gaelic speakers in every corner of Scotland, and further afield.”

Climate themed programming continues with BBC ALBA’s Lewis based crofter-in-residence Donald MacSween (An Lot, The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan) asking what he can do in practical terms to make a difference to the environment in Mac ’S Uaine | MacSween goes Green, as he visits various green initiatives and considers what addressing climate change would mean for him personally, financially and culturally.

No matter the outcome of COP26, there’s no denying that it’s the youngest in the population that will feel its impact the most. Uaine | Green, a special new series for CBBC ALBA explores these issues, with presenter Calum MacDonald visiting various locations throughout Scotland – from a hybrid powered ferry on the Isle of Skye to Whitelee wind farm near Glasgow and Foyers hydro station by Loch Ness – to see how they are making a positive impact on climate change.

As politicians get to grips with agreeing targets and policies to address the climate situation, Can We Cool the Planet? asks what science can offer by way of practical solutions. Acquired from American broadcaster PBS, this documentary looks internationally to see how the world’s scientists are working together to fight climate change.

Eòrpa: An Deasbad | The Debate will be broadcast on 28 October at 9pm
Uaine | Green (CBBC ALBA) will be broadcast from 12 October at 6.50pm
Mac ’S Uaine | MacSween goes Green will be broadcast on 2 November at 9pm
An Gabh An Saoghal Fhuarachadh? | Can we cool the planet? Will be broadcast on 4 November at 10.30pm

All programmes will be available for 30 days after broadcast on the BBC iPlayer.

Launch of major new language learning project SpeakGaelic

The approach to learning Gaelic is set to be transformed when a new comprehensive language learning course, SpeakGaelic, launches this Friday, October 15.

This multiplatform learning project is being hailed as a game-changer for Gaelic learning, focusing not only on beginners wishing to learn Gaelic but also those who would like to refresh their skills.

On Friday, October 15, all of the SpeakGaelic content for beginners at level A1 will become available on the SpeakGaelic website, with programmes available simultaneously on BBC iPlayer, BBC Sounds, YouTube and other major audio streaming services.

Programmes will also have linear transmissions on both BBC ALBA and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal with complementary learning materials on SpeakGaelic’s social media pages.

Face-to-face learning will also be available with local Gaelic classes and tutors adopting SpeakGaelic, catering to those seeking a more structured learning environment with additional media content providing an even more immersive experience.

This approach will mean that new and existing Gaelic learners will experience a truly flexible and adaptable personal experience, allowing individuals to learn Gaelic in whatever way suits them best.

SpeakGaelic programmes will be fronted by two Sabhal Mòr Ostaig graduates: BBC weather presenter, musician and programme contributor Joy Dunlop, and outdoors enthusiast and social media star Calum Maclean.

In the studio, Joy will provide helpful language learning information, with viewers able to join other Gaelic learners on their journeys.

Joy Dunlop, from the village of Connel in Argyll, said: “Learning Gaelic has had a huge impact on my life. It is central to my career, my friendships and most of the passions in my life.

“SpeakGaelic will give many thousands of people access to learning Gaelic – as well as helping those who need a bit more confidence. I am hoping people will embrace the opportunity because you never know where Gaelic may take you!”

Calum Maclean will present SpeakGaelic’s out-and-about features while also fronting additional social media content.

Calum is known to social media regulars for his outdoors content (including his unforgettable ‘midge challenge’), and in BBC ALBA’s Dhan Uisge, he showcases his passion for wild swimming in the seas, lochs and rivers around Scotland.

BBC Radio nan Gàidheal presenter John Urquhart will provide podcast and radio content.

Coinneach Macleod (47) from Glasgow, better known as the ‘Hebridean Baker’ for his videos that share Scottish inspired recipes and stories of island life, has signed up to SpeakGaelic. He was born and brought up in a Gaelic speaking household on the Isle of Lewis.

He said: “When I go home to the island, my family speak to me in Gaelic. I need a bit of confidence to reply to them in Gaelic, so that’s why I’m doing SpeakGaelic.”

Caroline Quinn (31), originally from Trinidad and Tobago but now living in Glasgow, has also signed up to SpeakGaelic because she aspires to speak Gaelic fluently.

Caroline said: “I’m probably the only person from Trinidad and Tobago that has Gaelic! Keeping the Gaelic language alive is important because it helps to maintain the culture and traditions as well.”

Clare Coghill (28), a chef from the Isle of Skye, has also enrolled on the SpeakGaelic course. She hopes to open a Hebridean inspired café in Skye next year, with a strong emphasis on encouraging customers to speak Gaelic together.

She said: “I’d like to combine my love for Gaelic and cooking in my recipes and through social media.”

SpeakGaelic’s music is provided by one of the most lauded acts in the contemporary Scottish music scene, electronic-Celtic fusion band Niteworks from the Isle of Skye.

SpeakGaelic, a partnership between MG ALBA, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and the BBC, with funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the Scottish Government, offers a comprehensive media approach reflecting the modern digital learning environment.

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville, said: “I am delighted that the Scottish Government has a key role in supporting the launch of SpeakGaelic. This is an initiative which will transform Gaelic learning by creating new opportunities to learn the language. I am confident that SpeakGaelic will attract new people to the language and also increase Gaelic use in communities.

“The Scottish Government would like to commend all those who have been working together as part of this innovative media partnership.”

Iseabail Mactaggart, SpeakGaelic Project Director and Director of Multiplatform Content at MG ALBA, said: “SpeakGaelic is the biggest project ever aimed at helping adults take up – and improve – their Gaelic and will be a game-changer to the current Gaelic learning environment.

“It’s hugely important that we make it as easy as possible to learn Gaelic, so offering this multiplatform approach allows individuals, classes and institutions to choose their preferred route, with complementary content available whenever they need it.”

Shona MacLennan, Chief Executive of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, said: “Bòrd na Gàidhlig is delighted to support this fantastic new resource which will encourage many more people to become part of our Gaelic-speaking community, whether they already have some knowledge or are entirely new to the language.

“SpeakGaelic will contribute significantly to the aim of the National Gaelic Language Plan that Gaelic is used more often, by more people and a wider range of situations.”

SpeakGaelic will initially launch with level A1, aimed at those new to the language, followed by A2 in early 2022.

The project will also expand to attract lapsed or less confident Gaelic speakers, defined on the learning scale as B1 and B2, later in 2022 and 2023.

The investment in monetary and in-kind contribution required to deliver the partnership’s ambition for the project, including the increased scale required for the more advanced levels, is £4m over four years.

Around 75% of that has been sourced or is in the process of being committed from each of the Scottish Government, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, MG ALBA, the BBC and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. The partnership is confident that it will succeed in securing the balance required to deliver the project.

Sign up for more information today at or follow the SpeakGaelic social media pages – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & TikTok.

Gaelic media driving growth in our communities

MG ALBA has today welcomed an important economic and social impact study which has demonstrated the important role of Gaelic media, not just as the deliverer of quality content to audiences, but as an economic driver with the potential to offer real growth in our communities.

The study, carried out by Ekos and supported by HIE, outlines the financial returns of MG ALBA and its supply sector, who serve the BBC ALBA platforms as well as the key brands FilmG, LearnGaelic, & SpeakGaelic. The current economic impact data is very clear, with the sector responsible for 340 jobs, £10.4 million of salaries with a GVA of £17.2 million. This all leads to a return on investment of £1.34 for every £1 spent.

The report also demonstrates the potential impact of a significant investment package, on a similar basis had the original investment in Gaelic media been linked to inflation. This highlights the prospect of a rise in jobs and economic growth opportunities which could be harnessed by the fast-paced media sector.

Welcoming the study MG ALBA Chief Executive Donald Campbell said: “This report outlines the important role Gaelic media has in delivering economic growth, especially jobs, to our communities. If we are to address the issues which are facing Gaelic and the communities we serve, then we must look to investing to deliver the opportunities which can be transformational.

Gaelic media is a part of the sustainable future of our communities, a key tenet in areas such as education, the creative industries, talent development and community engagement. We will shortly publish our vision for the future of Gaelic media, which will address Gaelic media’s potential role as a catalyst for economic growth and community engagement in Gaelic through media.”

The study received support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Joanna Peteranna, Interim Area Manager at HIE’s Innse Gall area team, said: “MG ALBA helps to support local creative businesses through the programmes it commissions while creating and supporting many jobs in the islands. It provides opportunities to enjoy Gaelic media content, benefiting Gaelic speakers and learners in all parts of Scotland and across the world.

We are pleased to support this study, which provides a high-level overview of how MG ALBA supports economic and community development in the region and beyond.”

Read the full report here.

Documentary explores how Gaelic speaking Afro-Caribbeans identify with Gaelic culture and history

A Gaelic speaking singer with Scottish and Nigerian roots explores her relationship with Gaelic culture and history in a new documentary on BBC ALBA.

Cass Ezeji, 27, gives a personal insight into her life in Trusadh: Afro-Gàidheil – Afro-Gaels as she tries to find her place in a culture where she has rarely seen herself represented.

She meets other Gaelic speakers of African and Caribbean descent to discuss how they connect to the language and culture while also talking to experts to uncover the Gael’s role in the slave trade.

Cass attended Scotland’s first Gaelic primary school in Glasgow where she, unfortunately, first experienced racism. As a young mixed-race woman, she felt unsure of her place within the Gaelic community and, although she speaks the language fluently, she’s often questioned that part of her identity.

Cass said: “We were totally immersed in Gaelic at school and I don’t think I knew that was going to be the case so I felt a little lost.

“The impression I had when I left school was that I didn’t feel part of the Gaelic world. I didn’t see myself represented in the culture so there was something of a disconnect.”

Cass’ parents are both from Glasgow. Her paternal grandfather was from Nigeria and lived in the west end of Glasgow with her grandmother who was from Newcastle. Cass said: “There weren’t many Black people living in Scotland at that time. They were one of the few Black families in the city.

Cass, who sings in a band called LAPS with her best friend Alicia Matthews, said: “Growing up, I had no experience at all of Nigeria. I was very fortunate because my grandfather on my mother’s side told me a lot about it.

“We had a large globe and he would show me where Nigeria was. There were two ethnicities in Nigeria he knew about – Igbo and Yoruba; My family are Igbo.”

Cass visited Nigeria for the first time two years ago and, although it was a culture shock, it was a very special trip and she felt a strong connection with the place and the people.

In speaking with fellow Gaelic speakers of Afro-Caribbean heritage, Cass examines what it means to be part of the Gaelic community and discovers she is not alone in feeling uncomfortable with the Gaelic word for ‘Black’: dubh. She considers alternative ways to self-identify and tries to reconnect to the language through her passion for music as she sings in Gaelic for the first time.

Cass meets with historical expert Dr David Alston and Glasgow’s first Afro-Caribbean Councillor Graham Campbell to look at the evidence of slavery that can still be found in Glasgow and the Highlands today. She discovers that the first Gaelic dictionary was funded with donations from slave plantations and learns the story of mixed-race girl, Eliza Junor, who came to Cromarty from Demerara in the 1800s with her Highland father at a time when around 10% of the pupils at Inverness Royal Academy were listed as having come from the Caribbean.

She uncovers the historical ties between the Gaels and the slave trade and how Highland families greatly profited from this enterprise, and addresses some difficult questions about racism and slavery as we continue to live with the legacy to this day.

Cass said: “When we consider Scotland and slavery, we rarely hear about the connection with the Gaels.

“It’s vital that we speak about this in our community because we’ve always seen ourselves as the heroes and the victims but not the perpetrators. It’s a painful history but we were part of it. We need to listen and not disbelieve it.”

Trusadh – Afro-Gàidheil -Afro-Gaels airs on BBC ALBA on Monday, October 4 at 9pm and will be available on the BBC iPlayer for 30 days.

BBC ALBA wins at the Celtic Media Festival

BBC ALBA’s Peat & Diesel concert, From the Barrow to the Barrowlands, picked up the award for Best Live Music Programme at this year’s Celtic Media Festival.

Produced by Stornoway-based production company MacTV, the programme was a huge success for BBC ALBA when it first broadcast in April 2020 as part of an evening of Peat & Diesel.

During the livestreamed Celtic Media Festival awards ceremony, hosted by Still Game’s Sanjeev Kohli, juror Marie MacNeill commended the “incredible crew at MacTV” for capturing “a force totally powered by local fuel”.

Seumas Mactaggart, Head of Development & Co-productions / Commissions at MacTV, said – “We are so happy that MacTV have won this prestigious award! The unique way that Peat & Diesel celebrate Gaelic and island culture with humour and infectious tunes has such appeal, and we were delighted to be able to capture their story through the documentary and that incredible gig at the Barrowlands!

“I’m so proud of the MacTV team and also the wider media sector in the islands, many of whom were involved, and of course the Peat & Diesel boys themselves. It was without doubt ‘a force powered by local fuel!’ – but hey, ‘that’s the way we do it in the Western Isles!”

The complementary documentary That’s the Way We Do It”, which was also nominated in a separate category, has already previously received the prize for International Documentary Feature at the long-running Williamsburg International Film & Music Festival in Brooklyn, New York.

The programmes followed the Stornoway band as they gained momentum and fame ahead of the launch of their second album and their landmark gig at the legendary Glasgow venue, the Barrowland Ballroom.

Peat & Diesel, comprising of fisherman Calum ‘Boydie’ Macleod, electrician Innes Scott and delivery driver Uilleam ‘Uilly’ Macleod, have taken the Scottish music scene by storm, capturing the country’s imagination through their raucous music and unique tales of island life.

BBC Radio nan Gàidheal also saw success at the Celtic Media Festival with Spòrs na Seachdain picking up the award for Best Radio Sports programme for a record 4th time, becoming the most successful programme ever in the 42-year history of the Celtic Media Festival.

Hosted by broadcaster John Morrison, the Saturday morning sports magazine programme previously won in 2016, 2017 and 2019 and this year’s winning programme was celebrated for its efforts in highlighting the progress being made in women’s sport.

John said: “I have to pay tribute to the producer Mairi MacRitchie who managed to keep the show on the road during weeks of lockdown when there was no live sport to discuss. I was presenting from a small room in the house and all our interviewees joined the show live from their own homes. Huge thanks to them for making powerful contributions about women’s sport that made this an award-winning show.

“For me, Spòrs works because it connects successfully with the audience who are as passionate about sport at every level as we are. The programme moves easily from discussing global superstars like Messi, to emerging stars like Emma Raducanu, to local heroes talking about sport in their own community. Four times in the last six years – it has proven to be a winning formula.”

Spòrs na Seachdain Producer, Mairi MacRitchie, said: ““Many thanks to the Celtic Media Festival and to the judges for recognising Spòrs na Seachdain as the best Radio Sport programme for the fourth time. Myself, John and the team are just delighted and humbled to win! There was a superb group of nominees in the Radio Sport category this year, with so many wonderful stories to tell and aspects to focus on from the world of sport. Thanks to all those who took part in our programme during the first lockdown and sharing their views so openly and for trusting in the technology to get everyone heard too!””

BBC ALBA Head of Service, Margaret Mary Murray, said: “It’s incredibly encouraging and very inspiring to see that Gaelic media continues to be recognised amongst the finest in the Celtic nations. Our producers, production companies, crews and talent work diligently across all media to create brilliant programmes for audiences every day and every week of the year and prestigious industry awards like these are hugely appreciated.”

BBC ALBA’s Autumn Schedule offers a breath of fresh air

BBC ALBA unveils a packed autumn schedule of new programmes today (10 September) with stories which are set to thrill and inspire, take us on exciting outdoor adventures and offer the very best live music in Scotland.

SpeakGaelic is a new and engaging multi-media learning programme, designed for absolute beginners and lapsed learners and is set to inspire and support a new generation of Gaelic speakers.

SpeakGaelic will be led by popular TV and radio personality Joy Dunlop and wild swimming social media star Calum Maclean.

Scotland’s stunning landscape is the backdrop to a number of new series this Autumn: After travelling the NC500 and Wild Atlantic Way, Anne Lundon explores An Cuan Sgìth/The Minch, the stretch of water linking the North West Highlands and the Hebrides where she meets those who live and work in these coastal communities.

People’s stories are at the heart of BBC ALBA’s schedule as 28-year-old rally driver Mairi Ross from the Isle of Lewis attests. Mairi’s goal is to obtain every form of vehicle license she can from, bike and bus to HGV, all whilst becoming a mum for the first time. Watch how Mairi’s story unfolds in Mach às mo Rathad/Born to Drive. And in Afro-Gàidheil / Afro-Gaels, Gaelic speaker Cass Ezeji examines what the term ‘Gael’ means to other Gaelic speakers who share her African and Caribbean heritage.

Climber Coinneach Rankin shares his passion for Scotland’s wild spaces and gives viewers a unique glimpse of stunning scenery and adventure when they are transported to the rock face in Dàna | Scotland’s Wild Side.

Ratharsair explores the island of Raasay, which as although the same size as Manhattan, has less than 200 residents and faces both challenges and opportunities for the future and Ramsay MacMahon returns with his guide to Scotland’s great weekend escapes in Mach à Seo!

Seumas MacLetchie takes viewers on a charming and nostalgic tour through the islands’ unique freshwater angling world and finds out about the heritage of his own profession in Trusadh: The Ghillie’s Story, while Evelyn Coull explores the deserted villages of Lewis and Harris’ rural landscape in Trusadh: Beatha air an Oir / Lost Villages re-discovering the lives lived and considering the lessons they offer to a new generation.

Gàrraidhean Mòra na h-Alba/Scotland’s Gardens takes viewers on a leisurely tour of four inspirational public gardens in Scotland including Botanic Gardens and a formal Japanese Garden with a fascinating history. Edinburgh and environs provide the dramatic setting for Sàr-Sgeòil: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, as Cathy MacDonald discovers the fact behind the fiction of Muriel Spark’s seminal novel.

Golf: Mun Cuairt Alba explores hidden gems and well-known golf courses in Scotland and hears from golfers of all ages with tips from professionals along the way. And while the presenters of Seòid a’ Chidsin/ The Kitchen Coves, Roddy and Uisdean, can’t visit other countries just now they can still enjoy the cuisine, taking viewers to all points of the compass, from their very own kitchen.

The environmental challenges we face are explored and discussed topic in BBC ALBA’s flagship current affairs programme Eòrpa, as the United Nations COP26 climate change conference convenes in Glasgow and CBBC ALBA launch a new programme Uaine / Green offering young people’s perspectives while crofter Donald ‘Sweeny’ MacSween from BBC ALBA’s An Lot will be asking what he can do to help the environment in Mac ‘s Uaine / MacSween Goes Green.

Music fans are in for a feast of live performances from the TRNSMT music festival in Glasgow, the Royal National Mod in Inverness and the semi-finals of this year’s BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year. Julie Fowlis hosts a second series of the lockdown inspired Julie Fowlis | Ceòl aig Baile with an array of traditional music stars in four locations – Inverness, Skye, Moidart and Glasgow. As an additional treat, Julie also re-visits classic performances from the seminal series which brought together stars of country, folk and traditional music, The Transatlantic Sessions.

BBC ALBA’s children’s schedule will have new series such as Alba Eagalach which follows a team of plucky presenters as they travel to places infamous for their perplexing pasts, horrifying hauntings and odd occurrences alongside some fabulous animations including Pompon Little Bear and The Adventures of Tintin.

BBC ALBA continues to position itself as the home of women’s sport with coverage of Scotland’s FIFA Women’s World Cup Qualifiers, the Scottish Women’s Premier League, Scotland’s Women’s Rugby World Cup qualifying campaign plus the weekly digital digest of all the latest news in Women’s Sport 360, available on BBC iPlayer and BBC ALBA’s YouTube.

And for the first time ever on BBC ALBA, there will also be live coverage of the Camanachd Cup Final on Saturday 18th September.

The full schedule of programmes is available in the BBC ALBA digital autumn schedule.

Unrivalled coverage of Women’s Football on BBC ALBA

BBC ALBA today announce unrivalled coverage of Scottish women’s football with a record 20 live Scottish Women’s Premier League matches alongside exclusive live coverage of Scotland’s Women’s World Cup Qualifiers.

Also announced today is BBC ALBA’s coverage of Glasgow City’s crucial Champions League Round 2 matches, the firs on Wednesday evening.

Scotland’s top league sides will battle it out on BBC ALBA this Autumn, opening with newly promoted Aberdeen hosting Celtic on the first day of the new season.

Scottish Women’s Football CEO, Aileen Campbell, said: “We are delighted to announce a further enhanced broadcast partnership with BBC ALBA going into the new season. They are genuine partners to the women’s game, always striving to enhance the product they provide and to show the women’s game the respect it deserves.

“Having watched the drama of the 2020/21 SWPL 1 drama unfold, I know personally how important visibility is. It’s vital that SWF ensures that women’s football remains readily available and that we look to engage with football fans across the country.

“We also look forward to seeing fans back in person as I think everyone will agree, the atmosphere they provided on the final day of last season certainly added to the drama and excitement.”

Scotland’s Women’s National Team will also take centre place on BBC ALBA in their upcoming qualifying campaign for the 2023 Women’s World Cup.

BBC ALBA followed the SWNT through the qualifying and finals of the 2019 Women’s World Cup, and they start this campaign away to Hungary on the 17th of September.

Fiona McIntyre, Scottish FA Head of Girls’ and Women’s Football said: “BBC ALBA’s support is vital to the promotion and development of the game in Scotland.

“Interest in the women’s game has grown exponentially in recent times and that has been greatly harnessed by the continued support of BBC ALBA in broadcasting the Scotland Women’s National Team matches.

“To have the forthcoming campaign broadcast live for our supporters is a tremendous boost and we look forward to the team not only playing in front of impressive crowds at Hampden Park but also large audiences on TV for home and away matches.”

BBC ALBA is also continuing its coverage of the UEFA Womens Champions League with Glasgow City’s second round game against Swiss side Servette, as they battle to get into the Women’s Champions League for the 11th year running.

Laura Montgomery, Chief Executive of Glasgow City FC, said “Wednesday’s Champions League game against Servette is huge for Glasgow City and being live on BBC ALBA and iPlayer allows our fans across the country to tune in and keep up with the team’s UWCL campaign.”

These latest announcements contribute to BBC ALBA’s unrivalled Women’s Sport coverage, which is showcased each week by digital magazine show Women’s Sport 360, broadcasting on the BBC iPlayer and the BBC ALBA YouTube each Thursday at 8pm.

Women’s Sport 360 brings the latest developments and news in the world of women’s sport to BBC ALBA’s digital platforms, whilst providing a platform for interviews and features from some of the biggest names in women’s sport.

Iseabail Mactaggart, Director of Multiplatform Content at MG ALBA, which operates BBC ALBA in partnership with the BBC, said: “We’re delighted BBC ALBA will be bringing coverage of the world cup qualifiers as well as unprecedented coverage of the domestic league to our audiences, , and the latest Women’s Champions League action. This is another important step in increasing appreciation and visibility of women’s sport and, for BBC ALBA, ensuring the channel continues to be a door to Gaelic to non-Gaelic speaking audiences.’

Currently confirmed fixtures are as follows;


• Aberdeen v Celtic | Sunday 5th September | 16:00| Balmoral Stadium
• Celtic v Glasgow City | Sunday 12th September | 16:00 | The Penny Cars Stadium
• Hibernian v Rangers | Sunday 3th October | 16:00 | Tony Macaroni Arena
• Glasgow City v Rangers | Sunday 17th October | 16:00 | Petershill Park
• Celtic v Rangers | Sunday 7th November | 16:00 | The Penny Cars Stadium

UEFA Women’s Champions League Round 2:

• Servette v Glasgow City | Wednesday 1st September | 1805

2023 Women’s World Cup Qualifiers

• Hungary v Scotland | Friday 17 September
• Scotland v Faroe Islands | Tuesday 21 September
• Scotland v Hungary | Friday 22 October
• Scotland v Ukraine | Friday 26 November
• Spain v Scotland | Tuesday 30 November

You can watch Women’s Sport 360 here on BBC ALBA iPlayer & BBC ALBA YouTube

BBC ALBA showcases the return of live music audiences with Highland Festival

Inverness’s Eden Court has welcomed the return of live audiences in Scotland, with performances from some of the finest traditional acts on offer being showcased on BBC ALBA this autumn.

Under Canvas signifies the return of a long-awaited platform for some of biggest names in Scottish traditional music to be playing in front of live audiences, and BBC ALBA will be bringing those performances to even more fans eager to see their favourite acts performing again.

Some of those who took to the Under Canvas marquee that will be showcased on BBC ALBA include Gaelic folk singer Mischa Macpherson, pipe maker and musical pioneer Malin Lewis in Malin makes Music, contemporary folk quintet Eabhal, Brian Ó hEadhra & Fionnag NicChoinnich, Josie Duncan, The Canny Band, Iona Fyfe and supergroup McKerron-Brechin-Ó hEadhra.

Malin Lewis, from Plockton in the West Highlands, is a former student of Plockton Music School. With a style which spans genres, but rooted in the pipe traditions of the west coast, Malin is an upcoming star of the traditional scene.

Highlights from Under Canvas will be brought to BBC ALBA by presenter and renowned Gaelic singer Ellen MacDonald, who is well known as a singer in the band Dàimh is also one of three female singers with the traditional band Sian.

Ellen said “Live music is so integral to Gaelic culture, so it’s just brilliant to see it’s return after such a long period of uncertainty. The Scottish traditional music community showed it’s resilience over the past year, and so to be a part of bringing these musicians and live audiences back together is a real honour.”

Iain Macleod, from program producer BEEZR Studios which is based in Glasgow, said: “The team at Eden Court have been tremendously supportive from the start and we couldn’t ask for a better partnership. It’s been a rewarding relationship for us and working with a flagship arts and cultural organisation has been everything we’d hoped for.”

Under Canvas marks a considerable milestone for the Scottish music and events industry after a year of uncertainty, with Eden Court and programme curators Fèis Rois hoping that the festival is the beginning of music’s return to normality.

Seona McClintock, Producer, Gaelic and Traditional Arts at Eden Court, said: “Organising a festival like Under Canvas this year has been challenging, but it’s worth the effort to see live performances once again.

“We are thankful to our talented acts that have been performing all summer, and to the audience that have put their trust in us to provide a safe and welcoming event, and who have come out to the festival in droves!”

Under Canvas will be on BBC ALBA at 9pm Sat 28 August & Sat 4 September, and available on the BBC iPlayer for 30 days afterwards.

Track stars and Olympic hopefuls kick-off new season of BBC ALBA’s Women’s Sport 360

Scotland’s premier women’s sport magazine show Women’s Sport 360 returns this week, hosting some of the country’s brightest athletic talent on BBC ALBA’s digital platforms.

World relay champ and commonwealth medalist Lee McConnell sits down with host Iona Ballantyne in the first episode of the new series, looking back at the athletic performances from the Tokyo Olympics.

Also featured in the first episodes is young Scottish swimmer Katie Shanahan, six times medal-winner at the European Junior Championships.

With Team GB’s most decorated swimmers ever returning from Tokyo this year, Katie hopes to maintain their legacy with her sights set on the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Also appearing is young sprinter Alyson Bell, a quadruple European World Junior Champs gold medalist.

The series will continue to cover the latest news and developments in women’s sport in Scotland – and internationally – with a range of guests throughout the remainder of the year.

This latest series of Women’s Sport 360 joins BBC ALBA’s unrivalled roster of women’s sport programming, with live coverage of SWPL games coming up this Autumn.

Lee McConnell, retired Scottish track star said: “It’s so great to get the chance to be involved with Women’s Sport 360, and to be putting women’s sporting achievements in the spotlight.

“When I started out in the world of sport there was nothing like this, so it’s really encouraging to know that the youngsters featured on the programme are being given the opportunity and platform to highlight their achievements and experiences right at the beginning of their respective careers.”

Margot McCuaig, executive producer of BBC ALBA’s sports provider, Nemeton TV, and broadcasting stalwart of women’s sport said: “We’re honoured to be bringing another series of Women’s Sport 360 to the screen. It’s always a pleasure to be working with sporting role models, and ensuring that women’s sport is getting the representation it deserves.

“For over a decade now, I’ve worked to bring the stories of female athletes to the fore, and 360 is an important step in that journey, allowing women to become their own storytellers, sharing a platform from where they can showcase their talents and inspire and empower future generations in the process.”

Iseabail Mactaggart, Director of Multiplatform Content for BBC ALBA, and executive producer of the channel’s sports output said: “We’re proud at BBC ALBA to celebrate and amplify women in sport, and we’re really excited to be building on Women’s Sport 360’s presence on BBC iPlayer, BBC ALBA YouTube and social media. Every story told, every journey described is inspiring and we’re delighted to continue to champion women in sport on BBC ALBA.”

Women’s Sport 360 will be available weekly on BBC iPlayer and BBC ALBA’s YouTube from Thursday 12th August.

BBC ALBA Announces Live Shinty Coverage

BBC ALBA and the Camanachd Association, the world governing body of shinty, today announced details of the shinty games being broadcast by BBC ALBA in 2021.

The specific games selected for live coverage are:

• Artemis Macaulay Cup Final, Mossfield Park, Oban
o Sat 21st August – throw up time 4.10pm

• Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup Semi-Final 1, venue TBC
o Sat 28th August – throw up time 4.10pm

• Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup Semi-Final 2, venue TBC
o Sat 4th September – throw up time 4.10pm

In addition to this, the Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup final will also be televised live by BBC ALBA with a highlights package to follow on BBC Scotland as part of a new partnership between BBC ALBA, BBC Scotland and the Camanachd Association which will see enhanced live and highlights of the showpiece final.

• Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup Final, Mossfield Park, Oban
o Sat 18th September – throw up time 2.15pm

Iseabail Mactaggart, BBC ALBA’s Director of Multiplatform Content, said: “It’s great to see shinty coming back to our screens and BBC ALBA are delighted to bring our audiences live coverage of the Camanachd Cup Final for the very first time.”

Derek Keir, Camanachd Association CEO said: “This agreement allows us to bring our historic sport to new audiences in living rooms throughout Scotland. We are pleased that despite the challenges that exist moving beyond the pandemic that we have been able to secure this broadcast agreement for 2021.”